Marc Ravalomanana – Sortie officielle du film « Return of a president »(Copenhague)

Sortie officielle à Copenhague (Danmark), ce samedi 18 mars 2017, à l’occasion du Festival international du film documentaire de Copenhague, du film du cinéaste danois Lotte Mik Meyer « Return of a president ». Le film retrace la vie de Marc Ravalomanana pendant ses 5 années d’exil en Afrique du Sud, depuis son renversement par le putsch perpétré par Andry Rajoelina en 2009 jusqu’à son retour au pays en 2014. La famille Ravalomanana était bien entendu présente à la cérémonie.

La sortie publique est prévue le 26 mars 2017.

Return of a President

Lotte Mik-Meyer, 78 min

Denmark, 2017

There are more than ideals at stake for Madagascar’s exiled president and his return to democracy after the coup in 2009.
In 2009, Madagascar’s president Marc Ravalomanana was deposed from power in a coup led by the major Rajoel, which sent the population into abject poverty. From his exile in South Africa, Ravalomanana is now determined to regain power by peaceful means. But the road back to his native country and to democracy is a minefield of political intrigue and international economic interests. A hard path, which the Danish filmmaker Lotte Mik-Meyer has documented over the course of five years, with unique access to the diplomatic power play – and to Ravalomanana himself. For more than political ideals are at stake. The former colonial power France is just one of the countries that has socio-economic interests in the African island nation, and which secretly but actively supports the new regime. A film about the fragility of democracy and about a determined man’s mission to defend it. (Synopsis officiel du film)




Publié le 19 mars 2017, dans AFRIQUE, Droits humains, Françafrique, Madagasikara - Crise, Madagasikara - Histoire, Océan Indien, et tagué , , , , , . Bookmarquez ce permalien. 1 Commentaire.

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